Category: Own Your Experience

  • Quick Tips: Know Your Character

    Whether you’re playing a character that you’ve run for years or are sitting down with a fresh character sheet for your first session, it’s important to know your character. There are two aspects to this: the rules and the roleplay.  On the rules side, make sure you know how the rules of the game work…

  • Own Your Experience: Skill Tests And Skill Threats

    Own Your Experience: Skill Tests And Skill Threats

    Skill checks are a part of almost every roleplaying game in some form or another, but to be clear by skill check I mean any randomized determination of whether a character is successful or not at an action they are attempting (this may or may not include attack actions in some games). They are a…

  • Own Your Experience: Core Principles

    Own Your Experience: Core Principles

    Own Your Experience is a principle that we believe in and subscribe to here at RPG Obsession. It is a positive affirmation meant to remind players and Game Masters alike to take ownership of the elements of the gaming experience that are within their control, to learn to recognize what those elements are and when…